ClickCease Why Chemical Peels are Better than Facials | Z Center for Cosmetic Health
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***Posted by Lindy

Having a routine skin care regimen is crucial to keeping your skin looking young and healthy. Sometimes our skin needs more than what our at-home skin care products can provide us. Facials and chemical peels are two of the most common ways to address our skin concerns. You may be wondering whether you need a chemical peel or a facial to achieve your skincare goals. While there are many benefits to both, there can be some confusion in deciding which one would benefit your skin more. Hopefully this post will help clarify the differences between facials and chemical peels for you.

My experience

Speaking professionally, as a Licensed Cosmetologist I believe there are many benefits to having facials done. But, I do not believe that they will solve the issues you may be facing with your skin. For example, I have had clear skin most of my life, but recently I have had some breakouts and blemishes on my skin that have been bothering me. I can do all of the steps of a facial to treat my skins needs and try to fix the problem, but even with exfoliation and masks I can’t get rid of my skin blemishes. I need something that can go under the surface of my skin and deal with the problem. Here are some of the reasons why our skin benefits more from chemical peels than facials.


The purpose of a facial is to deeply cleanse your skin and pores. If you have overactive oil producing sebaceous glands, facials can help to minimize the amount of oil laying on the skins surface. This can help with acne breakouts, but not very much. Facials can also give needed moisture and nutrients to overly dry, stressed skin. Basically, facials are designed to treat any topical problems on the surface of your skin. They do not go beneath the epidermal layer of the skin to treat the underlying issues. In most facials there is a mild exfoliation of the skin that helps rejuvenate and revitalize the skin, but only at the surface level.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels tackle skin problems at the cellular level, unlike facials, which deal with only the top layer of the skin. Chemical peels work by sloughing off the old skin and forcing your body to recreate new skin at a faster rate than usual. By doing this, the skin actually thickens, stimulating the underlying tissues to make more collagen and elastin. This is why you will notice an increase in the toning and firmness of your skin after your chemical peel. Peels can dramatically reduce the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles that you see on your face. Peels will improve the tone, texture and clarity for firmer, more youthful skin.

Signs that your skin needs a chemical peel:

  • You have dull/tired looking skin
  • You are starting to see an increase in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Hyper-pigmentation or dark spots
  • Age spots
  • Blemishes
  • Freckles
  • Sun spots
  • Melasma
  • Rosacea
  • You want to slow the aging process

Aging has negative effects on our skin. That’s why it is important to start a good skincare regimen now. Chemical peels are a crucial part of every effective skincare regimen.

To summarize, the main point of a facial is to help you relax, reduce stress and feel rejuvenated. Chemical Peels, however, are designed to help treat your skin and resolve the concerns you are having! If you truly have any skin concerns, or just want a brighter, healthier glow to your skin, you should take time to get a chemical peel. You will achieve results in less time than it takes to get a facial and will notice a monumental difference in the overall appearance of your skin.

Do you have any suggestions for chemical peels that you’d like to share? Feel free to comment below!