ClickCease Top Tips for Success While Using Ozempic - Zcosmetic Health
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There are quite a few strategies out there that assist you with losing weight. One that’s been getting a lot of attention recently is Ozempic. You may have heard about celebrities using it with great success. You may have also heard about some drawbacks to the method. With all of that in mind, this comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about Ozempic and its potential role in your weight loss journey. It’s also important to note that you should only use Ozempic with the recommendation of your healthcare provider.

What is Ozempic?

Medically speaking, Ozempic is a weekly injection used for blood sugar control, which is often prescribed as part of a treatment plan for type 2 diabetes. Used “off label”, the drug is used as a way to battle obesity and help individuals reach their weight loss goals. The same drug, which has been rebranded and approved for help with losing weight by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is called Wegovy, which you may also have heard of. The generic name for the drug is semaglutide, which can produce up to a 15 percent loss of body weight over the course of a year. 

What’s the Hype with Ozempic?

Every generation has its so-called fad diet or diet drug, and modern times are seeing an increase in the use of GLP-1 agonists, of which Ozempic is one. The reason it’s become so prevalent is that it has a high effectiveness for weight management. When compared to making lifestyle changes alone such as cutting down on sugary foods and high-fat foods or exercising more, which only produces five to seven percent body weight loss, you can effectively double that by using Ozempic. It has been shown to be more efficacious than over-the-counter medications supposed to aid in weight loss.

The hype is a result of several high-profile and A-list celebrities who have endorsed Ozempic as being a key factor in their successful weight loss journey. One is Oprah, who makes no secret about her use of pharmaceutical interventions for dropping excess weight. Other celebrities who report success with Ozempic include Sharon Osbourne, Amy Schumer, Kelly Clarkson, Rebel Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, Charles Barkley, and Elon Musk.

How Does Ozempic Work?

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Being one of several GLP-1 medications, Ozempic works when used properly. That means injecting the drug directly into the thigh, abdomen, or upper arm, once per week. The drug mimics a hormone released by the digestive system, which lowers blood sugar levels and helps create a feeling of satiety. 

Historically, medications in this category have been prescribed for controlling blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. When you take Ozempic, your body increases the production of GLP-1 hormones, which reduces appetite and increases feelings of fullness. 

Because obesity is often a result of both behavior and metabolic systems, Ozempic can help change how your body reacts to food, which in most people, results in dropping excess weight. Combined with other healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, Ozempic has the potential to reach healthy weight loss goals by changing the connection between the gut and the brain. The result is a balance of hunger and satiety hormones that aid in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Potential Side Effects and Risks

Just as with any medication, there are risks to be aware of. Ozempic (and other semaglutide medications) should only be used under the care of a qualified healthcare professional, especially if you have any other health conditions like a heart condition, metabolic disease, or high blood pressure. This way, side effects can be monitored and addressed as soon as they present an issue. As a patient, it’s a good idea to be aware of the potential risks so that you can report them to your healthcare team. Common side effects include the following:

  • Nausea, upset stomach and abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating

These gastrointestinal side effects tend to dissipate after a couple of weeks. Making sure to get an adequate intake of healthy fats and high-fiber foods during these preliminary days and weeks may improve these side effects. The same goes for eating several smaller meals, instead of a couple of larger ones. 

There are additional symptoms that are considered serious and could indicate a problem that needs medical attention. If you notice or are concerned about any of the below side effects, seek medical care right away. 

  • Low blood sugar
  • Vision changes
  • Pancreatitis
  • Fatigue
  • Allergic reaction
  • Dizziness
  • Gallstones
  • Kidney problems
  • Cancer
  • Thyroid tumors

There are also risks for certain individuals. If any of the situations or conditions on this list apply to you, you are not likely a good candidate for Ozempic. 

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Under age 18
  • Pancreatitis
  • Kidney disease
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Family or personal history of thyroid disorders or cancer
  • Family or personal history of endocrine disorders
  • Diabetic retinopathy


For how long should I take Ozempic?

Anti-obesity medications are not designed for short-term use, as obesity is classified as a chronic disease. While you may not take it for the rest of your life, expect to administer an injection weekly for quite some time. There is no pre-determined time frame, and your healthcare provider will likely recommend continuing with Ozempic as long as it’s tolerated. 

What are the drawbacks of quick weight loss?

While decreasing your calorie and food intake can result in pounds lost pretty quickly, there are some considerations to keep in mind with this method. When you are eating less food, there’s a higher chance of nutrient deficiencies, which can lead to other health problems. Additionally, you could lose muscle mass, which may alter metabolism and strength. 

What are the long-term effects?

Although Ozempic/Wegovy use for weight loss is a newer treatment, semaglutide for control of diabetes has been used for over 20 years and its safety is well established. Most of the serious side effects experienced with the medication is extremely rare and can be experienced with any form of rapid weight loss. Animal studies in rats showed that using Ozempic long-term may result in a higher risk of medullary thyroid cancer, though this has not been demonstrated in humans. 

Does Ozempic affect mental health?

Most experts classify mental health and obesity as a bidirectional relationship. That means they often go together, but it’s unclear which condition starts and causes the other. Some research finds that being obese is linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression. Other studies report that using anti-obesity drugs can increase symptoms of depression, which may be alleviated when the medication is stopped. There is some data to suggest that using Ozempic can actually help improve symptoms of depression and further studies on this topic are in progress. Monitor your mood while on Ozempic so you can report issues to your medical care team. 

Is Ozempic covered by insurance?

Despite the health benefits of losing excess weight, Ozempic may not be included in your insurance coverage. In some instances, a prescription from a healthcare professional allows insurance to cover part of all of the cost. However, this varies based on provider and plan. It’s also important to know that if you are taking Ozempic “off label,” your insurance may not cover it. 

How much is Ozempic?

Without insurance, the cost of an Ozempic or Wegovy pen averages between $1,200-$1,600. There are a variety of savings cards that can be used to reduce the cost. This is a good way to get the medication if your insurance doesn’t cover it or you don’t have health insurance. Unlike many drugs, there isn’t an FDA approved generic version of Ozempic. Compounded versions of semaglutide do exist, however, their safety and efficacy have not been established. There are oral medications that work on the GLP-1 receptor and often cost much less, but do not work as well. Our weight management program is more cost effective than purchasing the medication from a pharmacy on your own.

How do I administer Ozempic?

Proper dosing and administration are both vitally important to ensure you get the rapid weight loss you desire when using Ozempic. The medication should be refrigerated until your first injection, after which it should be stored at room temperature for up to 56 days. It can also be stored in the refrigerator but should not be frozen. Inject Ozempic in your upper arm, abdomen, or thigh. Replace the cap securely between doses. 

What happens if you stop taking Ozempic?

The results you achieve with Ozempic only last as long as you’re taking it. If you discontinue the drug, you can likely expect to put some or all of the lost weight back on. Remember that obesity is a chronic disease, so it must be treated daily for the best health results. Even if you quit taking Ozempic, you can still make healthy lifestyle choices, including a regular exercise program and a balanced diet. 

Tips for Using Ozempic

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Now that you know all about how Ozempic works and what it can and can’t do, you are ready to give it a try, with your doctor’s approval. With that in mind, use the tips listed here to get the most out of it.

Plan a Balanced Diet

While taking Ozempic, it’s important to make nutritious choices. That means avoiding greasy foods, fatty foods, and fried foods in favor of healthy foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Additionally, food prep is a consideration. Opt for baked, grilled, and boiled foods to control fat intake. Choose healthy fats such as salmon, avocado, and olive oil to satisfy your nutritional needs. Water-rich foods are also good for your diet plan while taking a weight-loss drug. Choices include leafy greens, cucumbers, and watermelon.

Pay Attention to Hunger Cues

Before you eat a meal, assess how hungry you are. Eating beyond your appetite can negatively impact your ability to recognize hunger cues. Eating too much when taking Ozempic can make possible side effects worse, so it’s important to put your fork down when you’re full, even if your plate isn’t empty. 

Eat Slowly

In addition to what you eat and how much you eat, the speed at which you consume your food is also important for reaching your health goals. While taking Ozempic, you should make an effort to eat slowly. This gives the GLP-1 receptor agonists a chance to start working, which makes the medication more effective at reducing appetite and controlling food intake. 

Don’t Use a Straw

Drinking through a straw allows more air into your digestive tract, which increases the chances of bloating, abdominal pain, and discomfort after a meal. When you forgo the straw, the liquids you drink are better able to mix with your saliva, a process that makes the breakdown of food in your intestines more effective. When you make your beverage choices, choose clear liquids and drink them with small sips. Avoid non-carbonated drinks, as they increase the risk of bloating and other digestive disturbances. 

Take it Easy After a Meal

When you overdo it with physical activity after eating, digestion is less efficient, and the risk of side effects increases. Light movement is ideal, such as taking a walk. Going too hard causes gastric emptying, a condition that leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Too much activity also increases the risk of hypoglycemia,  a drop in blood sugar levels. Even if you don’t engage in any light activity after eating, you should not lie down right away. Doing so increases the risk of acid reflux and slows digestion, which can be uncomfortable and can also result in gastric emptying. 

Get Outside

Because obesity and a weight loss journey can cause some level of stress and frustration, paying attention to your mental well-being is important. Experts encourage taking time to go outside and get fresh air. This serves a double purpose. The first is that it gets you up and moving and the second is that time outdoors boosts immunity and can help counteract the nausea that often goes with taking Ozempic. 

Keep a Food Diary

Sticking with a healthy diet is much easier when you track what you’re eating. Your food log allows you to pinpoint foods that cause side effects but also lets you see where you may need to add fiber, cut fat, or some other action to support your goals. Seeing it in black and white is often motivating, encouraging you to choose healthier foods. 

Treatments to Complement Weight Loss

person standing on white digital bathroom scale

Here at the Z Center for Cosmetic Health, we support your goal to lose weight. One common complaint after significant weight loss is leftover skin that is saggy and loose. With that in mind, we offer several treatments that can tighten and tone, helping you look and feel your best. 

Genius RF

We have a couple of methods of tightening loose skin. Genius RF is a popular choice and is a precise method that targets trouble spots and boosts collagen production. The treatment uses radiofrequency energy and very small needles, which cause minor damage to the skin. As the damage heals, it tightens the skin in the treated area. This procedure can also help minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Downtime is minimal and the results can last for several years. 


Like Genius RF, Sculptra aids in enhancing collagen production, which can help counteract loose, saggy skin. The method uses an injectable made with poly-L-lactic acid. Similar to dermal fillers, it smooths saggy skin, helping smooth areas where you have dropped excess weight, including the face. Unlike other fillers, the results can last up to five years. 

Laser Resurfacing

If your weight loss left you with stretch marks, you aren’t alone. Laser resurfacing is a great way to minimize their appearance and create a smoother look on many parts of your body. Using a series of light pulses, the treatment helps smooth the skin, while also treating discoloration, masking stretch marks on your legs, stomach, buttocks, and arms. 


There are pros and cons that go with choosing Ozempic to help you reach your weight loss goals. Understanding how it works, the results it may provide, and the risks that go with it is a vital first step in making the right decision for your desired health outcomes. Talk to your doctor about whether Ozempic might be right for you. 

The best kind of weight loss is a managed healthy weight loss. Z Center for Cosmetic Health offers our tailored Weight Loss Program which includes medications such as Ozempic, along with nutritional and exercise counseling. Book an appointment to begin your transformative weight loss journey today.