ClickCease Mole removal - Zcosmetic Health
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Do you have moles, bumps, or growths of extra skin that are getting on your nerves? Our award-winning Board Certified Surgeon, Dr. Michael Zadeh is an expert at removing moles, skin tags, and other growths from all areas of the body in a way that will give you the best possible cosmetic result.

Types of Skin Growths

Skin tags are small growths of extra skin. The skin tags may grow off a stalk and usually look like a small piece of hanging skin. Skin tags are benign growths and are normally not painful. They can occur on any part of the body, but are most commonly seen on the:

Eyelids                 Underarms                         Neck
Gron                     Upper Chest                       Under the breasts

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Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups. Moles can be raised or flat. They may change in appearance over time and some may even dissapear. Moles arise when the pigment cells of the skin grow in a single concentrated spot instead of being spread out evenly throughout the skin.

Mole Removal – Things to Consider

The procedures for removing moles and skin tags are quick and simple. There is little to no recovery time needed after your mole removal procedure. To decrease the likelihood of excessive scar formation it is important that your mole or skin tag be removed by a board certified surgeon. Although physicians of different specialties perform mole removal, Surgeons have a special skill and knowledge of anatomy which helps them remove moles and skin tags in the least invasive and most cosmetically pleasing way.

Ways to Remove Moles and Skin Tags

There are different ways that a mole can be removed depending on its size, shape and color.


Laser Removal – This method of mole removal is usually used for flat moles that are brown or black in color and small in size.


Surgical Removal – This method of mole removal involves excising (cutting) around the mole for complete and permanent removal. This is usually the treatment of choice for raised moles, dark moles, or moles which have changed in appearance and are suspicious for possible cancer. The procedure is performed in the office using local anesthesia. Stitches are used to close the area after the mole is removed. Skin Tags are also removed in a similar way.


Punch Biopsy – In this method of mole or skin tag removal a device is used to punch out a small diameter of skin in the shape of a circle which contains the mole or skin tag. The punch biopsy site can then be left open to heal on its own or may be closed with stitches. This is normally used for moles or skin tags that are less than 5 mm in size.

After Your Mole Removal

Mole removal is a safe procedure with few, if any, risks and no recovery time. You will be given instructions for wound care based on the type of mole removal that is performed. If stitches were used to close the skin of the mole removal site then they are normally left in place for one week and will be taken out during your follow-up appointment in the office.

Do you have questions about mole or skin tag removal? Feel free to call our office for more information or to schedule a consultation.