ClickCease Combining Diet and Non-Surgical Fat Removal for Optimal Results - Zcosmetic Health
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Getting the body of your dreams can be an overwhelming process that often includes a variety of techniques to achieve success. If you are wary of traditional liposuction and other surgical procedures, you’ll be happy to know that a healthy diet, combined with non-surgical treatments, can result in the goals you are striving toward. By making positive lifestyle changes, integrated with body contouring, you’ll look in the mirror and see the silhouette you want to see. Want to know more? Keep reading. 

Nutrition for Fat Removal 

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Ideally, you are adhering to a healthy diet to lose fat. That makes your meal plan an essential part of your goal, even if you’ve chosen one of our non-surgical fat removal cosmetic procedures. A balanced diet includes both macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients include complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats. Micronutrients include a wide variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. 

In general, you want to eat a variety of foods from every food group, which ensures that you are covering your nutrient needs and providing yourself with the energy level necessary to engage in a healthy amount of physical activity. Part of any fat loss treatment plan should include the following items:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans
  • Lean chicken, beef, fish, pork (unless you are a vegan or vegetarian)
  • Low-fat dairy (unless you are a vegan)
  • Whole grains 

Remember to incorporate a variety of each to help you effectively and healthily reach your body goals. Keep portion size in mind as well. Even high-quality calories will not contribute to weight loss if you take in more than you consume. 

Of course, you’ve also got to consider your exercise habits. A combination of cardio and strength training should have a place in your daily activities. Cardio burns calories while building muscle mass and muscle tone can help speed the metabolism, optimizing calorie burn. Using both cardio exercise and strength training exercises, coupled with a nutritious diet to help you get to the ideal weight is a good precursor to non-surgical fat reduction procedures to help you contour your body. 

Non-Surgical Fat Removal Options

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Body Contouring Explained

Body contouring is defined as any treatment that is designed to reshape, tone, or otherwise improve the appearance of a person’s body. It often involves skin tightening, removal of excess fat, and reshaping parts of the body after weight loss. There are both surgical and non-surgical approaches to body contouring. Surgical techniques include traditional liposuction, a tummy tuck, an arm or thigh lift. as well as a breast lift.

If you want a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, there are options for you. Fat removal can help you achieve your desired results after losing weight. There are several advantages to combining weight loss with fat removal. They include eliminating stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise, as well as improving your body image and self-esteem.

Non-invasive body contouring treatments are a great choice for many patients looking to combine a balanced diet with body contouring. We have a wide range of non-surgical fat removal procedures that we can incorporate into your personalized treatment plan. Read more about them below. 



This non-surgical fat reduction technique packs a double whammy because it also helps tighten loose skin after weight loss. The treatment utilizes heated radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin on the abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks, and face, using numbing medicine to keep you comfortable throughout. Most patients experience peak results within three to six months. Because Thermitight is non-invasive, you can return to your normal activities with minimal downtime, making it easy to fit the procedure into your busy schedule. 


This is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift, helping counteract loose, saggy skin on the face and jaw after weight loss. The procedure is done using ultrasound waves, which penetrate the deep layers of the skin, boosting collagen production. Over time, this results in a natural lift and tightening of the skin. Like Thermitight, Ultherapy is non-surgical, which means there is no downtime, and you can return to normal daily activities right away. 


Sculptra helps reach your aesthetic goals because it’s created to counteract sagging skin, which often occurs after a dramatic weight loss. This is an injectable collagen stimulator that is commonly used on the face and body. It’s different from dermal fillers because it also boosts collagen production, which means it lifts and smooths loose saggy skin, while also offering longer results. Sculptra may last up to five years, as opposed to the average of six months with other fillers. 

Genius RF

Using radiofrequency, Genius RF is a microneedling technique. Like the other non-surgical fat reduction procedures listed here, this one also boosts the production of collagen. As a result, it is a great way to optimize skin laxity, counteracting loose skin. You can expect results soon after the treatment, which will increase with each successive session, with the best results achieved in about six months. This is an outpatient procedure that allows a return to normal life when it’s finished. 

Emsculpt Neo

Emsculpt Neo revolutionary treatment is one of the most exciting non-invasive methods of fat removal without surgery. It uses a combination of targeted electromagnetic and radiofrequency energy to build lean muscle mass and encourage fat loss at the same time. By tightening and toning the muscles, you can reach your aesthetic goals without having to go under the knife. A single session is equivalent to doing 20,000 sit ups or crunches. After four to six sessions, the average patient experiences a 30 percent loss of fat and a 25 percent increase in muscle tone. The ideal candidate is one who is experiencing stubborn fat deposits, despite a balanced diet and exercise routine. 



Get rid of stubborn fat cells once and for all with Coolsculpting, a fat-freezing procedure. The procedure is non-surgical and is a fantastic alternative to a tummy tuck for the belly area and also targets love handles, as well as excess fat on other common spots, such as the arms, thighs and buttocks. The procedure freezes fat cells, which are then absorbed by the body, helping you slim down and tone your body. There’s no recovery time necessary, and the entire treatment session is completed in just one to two hours. 


Kybella is targeted to treat a double chin and the fat cells that linger in the area. This area is especially difficult to get rid of, even with a healthy diet and plenty of physical activity. Using deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally produced by the body, the procedure aims to break down excess fat, allowing the body to absorb it. It’s an alternative to surgical fat removal procedures. The treated fat cells can no longer store fat, making Kybella a permanent non-surgical fat reduction solution that gives your face a contoured appearance and eliminates double chin fat forever. 

What About Ozempic, Wegovy and Other GLP-1 Medications? 

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If you’ve cycled through multiple weight loss attempts and still find that you have unwanted fat cells hanging around, Ozempic may be the right solution. Ozempic and Wegovy are both Semaglutide, which is a GLP-1 medication that is scientifically proven, with several clinical trials, to support weight loss and management. We also offer customized support and care as you work to reach your individual goals. If you’re looking for something to boost traditional weight loss methods (exercise and diet), Ozempic or Wegovy can help. 

In addition to administering the injections, we can help you create an exercise plan, based on your fitness level. We can also help you with your nutrition plans and offer diet counseling to complement the treatment as you change your body over time. By adding cardio and strength training exercises to your routine and eating a nutritious diet, you can protect your long-term health and achieve a reduced body weight at the same time. 

Once you have reached your weight loss goals, you can use one of our nonsurgical treatments to slim and tone your new body and reduce your risk of health issues at the same time. It’s always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider before starting Semaglutide medications, particularly if you have any health conditions. 


Non-surgical fat loss treatments are ideal for anyone who has dropped a lot of weight and who is dealing with loose, saggy skin. These nonsurgical treatments are also great options for getting rid of stubborn fat that isn’t responding to exercise and diet. To reach your body contouring goals, a combination of healthy lifestyle choices and nonsurgical treatments to fine-tune your silhouette makes the best plan.

Contact the Z Center for Cosmetic Health today to set up your initial consultation and choose a treatment plan that works best for you.