by Dr. Zadeh | Jun 20, 2023 | Chemical Peels, CoolSculpting, Cosmetics, Diet, Education, Facials, Living Healthy, Skin Care, Skin Care CoolSculpting, Tips, VI Peel
Most of us are chasing that perpetually youthful appearance as we get older. It can be difficult to embrace the changes that come with aging, particularly those that affect our skin. After all, your skin is what people see when they look at you, so it makes sense that...
by Dr. Zadeh | Jun 15, 2023 | Chemical Peels, Education, For Men, Living Healthy, Medical Spa Information, Skin Care, Tips, Uncategorized
Everyone should wear sunscreen every day, no matter what color your skin is. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it makes sense to offer it as much protection as possible. Even on overcast days, the radiation in the sun’s rays can cause damage so...
by Dr. Zadeh | Jun 6, 2023 | Chemical Peels, CoolSculpting, Cosmetics, EMSculpt, Fillers, Lips, Tips
If you’re considering more than one cosmetic surgical procedure, you might be wondering if you can undergo both at the same time or if a single surgery might be a better choice for you. The short answer is that you can certainly have more than one cosmetic...
by Dr. Zadeh | Dec 22, 2022 | Chemical Peels, Cosmetics, Diet, EMSculpt, Facials, Fillers, Living Healthy, Questions, Skin Care, Tips
Ask any woman about their top skincare issues and signs of the aging process will inevitably fill the top spots. On-going issues are usually headed by acne and dark circles that form under the eyes that are often accompanied by puffiness. The appearance of dark...
by Dr. Zadeh | Jan 30, 2020 | Chemical Peels, Nano-Ray Laser Skin Resurfacing, Skin Care
Dark spots, also known as hyperpigmentation, are a tricky skin issue. These dark marks are caused by an overproduction of melanin, which can result from hormones, sun exposure, acne, or aging. Regardless of the cause, dark spots sometimes can stay on our skin for...
by Dr. Zadeh | Jan 2, 2020 | Chemical Peels, Nano-Ray Laser Skin Resurfacing, Skin Care
Stretch marks can be caused by many things, including weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy, and growth spurts during puberty. But whatever the cause of your stretch marks, they can make you feel incredibly self-conscious. Making matters worse, stretch marks are a very...